Dear DTC Family and Friends
Saturday 16 October 2021 was a great day in the life of Domboshawa Theological College which is registered and accredited by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education (for the Diploma programme), and affiliated with both the Zimbabwe Open University (for the BA programme) and Africa University (for the MA programme). A record 58 students graduated with their Diploma in Pastoral Studies in our 21st graduation ceremony bringing the total
number to have graduated under this programme to 520.

Due to the need for observing the covid19 physical distancing measures this ceremony was attended by only the graduands supported by lecturers and two members of the Board of Trustees. The occasion was, however, live-streamed on our Facebook page for the benefit of relatives and friends of the graduands and of the college as a whole.

The spirit of the occasion was jovial and the speeches uplifting. In his report the principal, Rev Dr Roy Musasiwa explained that the central focus of this institution is to train Christian leaders of integrity for the church and the wider society in Zimbabwe and beyond. The crying need of Africa are leaders of integrity. The corruption and abuse of power prevalent in our world make the need for godly leaders abundantly clear. As Christians we would be letting our nation down if we did not put all our effort into producing leaders who fear God, who are trustworthy and who hate dishonest gain (Ex 18:21)

Guest of Honour was Dr Innocent Maja, who is also chair of the DTC Board of Trustees. He gave a fascinating address centred on relevant theology for the market place. He challenged graduates to fulfil God’s calling for whichever of the 7 “Mountains” of cultural influence God calls them to – arts/entertainment, business, education, family, government, media and religion. If we lose our presence in these spheres we would lack transformative influence. This speech echoed one of the college’s core-values – contextual relevance. The story of our graduates spreads over at least six all these mountains of influence.

Representing the graduates, Mrs Mary Anne Mhende who won the top prize for all-round excellence in character, ministry, leadership and academics, shared on how she came to be a student at DTC and the transformative effect this had on her and her fellow graduands. “We have been equipped; we have learnt a lot. Let us go out there and shine for the Lord. As Myles Munroe would say, Let us not be so rich that we simply enrich the graves when we die. Let us not go to our graves without having emptied out what has been deposited in us”, she said.

Other prize-winners (reflecting DTC core-values) were:
Excellence Character
Pamhidzai Berejena Mhongera
Josepeh Tsiga
Ministry Excellence
Phathizwe Fernandes Mkhunya
Sindiso Ndlovu
Leadership Excellence
Temwani Nomsa Gausi
Jeffrey Rodgers
Academic Excellence
Intake 21 Knowledge Hloka
Intake 22 Adiolla Kapora
Intake 23 Immaculate Madanha
Intake 24 Lizzy Makubvure
One of the graduates, Samuel Dhoro, had recently had a back operation which left him temporarily disabled and unable to walk. But such was his determination to graduate “in presentia” that his doctor had to lend him a wheelchair and allowed him an hour to experience his graduation.
The principal, Rev Dr Musasiwa gave the following charge to the graduates:
“Go into the world as salt and light (Mt 5:13-16). That means firstly upholding your IDENTITY. You cannot change the world without a consciousness of who you are in the Lord. Secondly uphold your INTEGRITY, the purity of your saltness, not being conformed to the world. Thirdly enhance your INVOLVEMENT in transforming the world. Through your identity, integrity and involvement you will be an ambassador for both the Lord and the college. The blessings of the Lord be upon you”.